Woah! A glowing eboy tiger that can stream? Unheard of! Y'know what's also unheard of? Not checking out the chat rules, boundaries, or socials!
(art by @Quilbug & @Supernovalinn go check them out!)


》Be respectful! (streamer's wishes, other chatters, mods, etc.)
》Be supportive, but don't baby/backseat!
》Harassment/Bullying/Racism/etc is NOT welcome here!
》Don't self promo without permission!
》Similiar to above, don't mention other streamers if you can help it!
》Keep chat pg-13 and lighthearted topics!
》No spamming emotes, phrases, etc.
》Don't trauma dump, there is a time and a place!
》No roleplaying in chat!
》English only, please!


(no she/her! if you don't know, ask please!)
》Respect when streamer streams!
(I usually go live at 7 or 8pm EST, but there are times things may change)
》You are totally free to be chaotic and feral, but don't say nsfw things seriously in chat! Harassment/Racism/General hatred isn't okay either.
(That is an instant ban.)
》Don't guess private info. General internet safety folks!
(stuff like: where do you live, what's your irl name, etc is NOT okay. You will be given one warning.)
》No nicknames, just Madz, or Ness are fine! (obviously there are some I will make jokingly but for the most part don't give nicknames, just another safety thing!)》Shipping between irl people is weirdchamp. It's only acceptable if both parties are fine with it.》Don't come into chat looking to be my friend, the interaction between chat and streamer is platonic.
(I started streaming to give myself and others a distraction, that's all.)
》Don't try and guess what I look like IRL by making fanart!! You may make fanart of my PNGtuber with artistic liberties, but no human art please!


Check out my Twitter, Tik Tok, and Twitch for more chaos and vibes to be had!